Exciting visit from Brazil

Thanks to Molly Glennon, a pupil in P6 at Stow Primary, Nixiwaka Yawanawa, an English speaking Yawanawa Indian from the Brazilian Amazon is coming to speak at the school on 23rd May (time to be confirmed later, watch this space). He is working with an organisation called Survival International, which was founded in 1969, and raises awareness of the Amazon rainforest land, its destruction, and the need to help defend and protect it and the people who live there (www.survivalinternational.org). Nixiwaka’s visit will feature a short talk (20-30 mins) , a slide show and a Q&A session, and will provide fascinating insight into the way of life of the Yawanawa way of life, the rainforest, Nixiwaka’s perceptions of London and the UK, a look at tribal territories under threat, the work of the charity Survival International, a look at other threatened Brazilian tribes and the global movement for peoples’ rights. The CC has supplied the cost of mounting this visit from the Microgrant fund, and Molly’s mother Belinda is kindly going to fetch Nixiwaka to and from Edinburgh. The talk will be open to the whole community, and the time will be advertised on posters, and here on the website, nearer the time.

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