LCGW Spring update

Finally, spring has sprung! LCG continues to move our projects forward and we seem to be quite close to securing a sizable pot of funding which will help us do great things. This is a good time of year to be making improvements to your home, whether insulation, ventilation, glazing or heating system.

A number of families have benefited from the free insulation we have helped promote, but many local homes could still benefit from better insulation and ventilation. Personally, I have been looking towards ‘whole house’ ventilation systems with heat recovery, but the cost is considerable – a lower cost option may be ‘solar ventilation’ units (see www.solarventi. for more information. These units are self-contained, require no plumbing or electrical connections, and use only free solar energy to help heat and dehumidify your house during the day – most importantly, the prices start in the hundreds, rather than thousands of pounds.

More sustainable travel should come our way with the reinstatement of the Waverley line – LCG has been in touch with the project and may be able to secure some of the wood cleared from the rail line later this year. We are aiming to set up a local wood storage site, as a foundation for future community wood fuel projects.

If you are interested in reducing carbon output, please do get in touch with Steffen

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